Obedience and Blessing

One of my favorite parts about being home in the mornings now (as opposed to going to work early for my previous teaching job) is starting off my morning with a practice of meaningful habits.  I don't always get to them, but more often than not, you'll find me practicing these habits as soon as I'm awake enough to begin.

They look something like this:

1. Prayer/ Thanksgiving/ Devotion with God 
2. Daily Affirmations (I have 14 of them, tailored for my specific season of life)
3. Visualization of my goals
4. Reading time
5. Writing time
6. Walking Exercise

I try to complete this cycle before my son gets up.  And somehow, getting these things done just really sets my day up for success.  I started this practice after reading The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.  It's a book I highly recommend!  

One of my affirmations that I'd like to share with you says this: "I experience Divine appointments and the favor of God on a daily basis."  Yes, I say this aloud, just as I do the other affirmations.  Now, that's all well and good, but those are simply words unless I give them meaning.  I decided to start tracking my Divine appointments and moments of favor.  And let me tell you, I am blown away by the goodness of God!  

You see, I've been believing God for some BIG THINGS lately.  And a door I was counting on opening didn't turn out how I'd planned.  God basically said, "Not yet."  (I don't feel He said "no", just "not right now.")  I was blind- sighted because this was an opportunity that is truly a heart's desire, that I've literally laid on the floor and travailed in prayer and tears over.  When it didn't happen, I was just...numb.

I eventually dusted myself off and said, "Ok, God, if not that, then what?"  I felt His answer come in many different forms but the most obvious was through Scripture. Here's the verse, and it has very clear direction on what I'm to do right now: 

"Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10

I love it when God speaks to me so clearly through His word.  There are times when He speaks directly to my heart in prayer and other times when a Scripture practically stands up off the page in my Bible.  That's what happened this time around.

So, I've taken Him at His word.  I'm being still.  Another verse that speaks along the same lines says this: 

"Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act."  Psalm 37:7

As a result of listening to God, rather than trying to "make a plan" (I'm notorious for bulldozing through and coming up with my own way; stubborn, I know), I have experienced the most incredible JOY.  I can't even explain it because I know it's not of this earth.  It's a joy that comes from being completely obedient to His voice and waiting on the Lord to move instead of trying to accomplish things in my own strength.  And the blessings that have resulted from that obedience are incredible.  

Are you facing a situation in your own life where you need some guidance?  Do you feel God calling you to quiet your mind, lay down your plans, and just be still?  I promise you, friend, if you heed God's word, your blessings from that obedience will far outweigh the sacrifice you make!  It's worth it; trust me.

Wishing you a supernatural, unexplainable JOY this holiday season and beyond,


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