Sometimes Faith is the Bridge

I am starting to see a reoccurring pattern in my life. 

Often, when I'm looking at a major change like making a leap from one job to another or working on a new book or music album, I see no possible way to get from where I am currently to where I want to be. 

God is teaching me that sometimes faith is the only bridge from one place to another. And once I take a step of faith, things begin to fall into place to get me where I need to be. 

For instance, about 6 years ago, I was three years into trying and failing to get a teaching job in my county. I was just nannying part time to bring in some income to help our family. I felt the strong call to launch my own music studio and stop nannying completely. Naturally, I had no way of knowing whether I could make up the income I was losing. But I still stepped out in faith. And within a few months, I was not only running my music studio, but I also got hired as a music teacher. 

I feel that there are big, big changes on the horizon and once again, I'm not sure how I'm going to get to where I want to be. 

Until I remember that sometimes faith is the only bridge. And God doesn't ask me to have all the answers (thank goodness!); He just asks that I trust Him to work it out. 

Are there things God has called you to do that scare you? Good, you must be on the right track. God's dreams for us are always bigger than our own. Maybe there's a step of faith you know you need to take but have been too frightened to do so. I encourage you to remember that sometimes faith is the bridge from one place to the next. Remember, we serve a faithful Father who is sure to catch you and hold you steady if you stumble along the way. 

“Faithful Father,  
You are the one I run to, 
Arms wide open, 
You take me as I am”- from the chorus of a new song, “Faithful Father”

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